Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Yard work

Since our wedding on Saturday, Adam and I have been "honeymooning" by putting in long hours working on our lawn (we're taking an actual honeymoon to Iceland this fall). We started the process a few weeks ago, but we had to take a break for our DIY wedding.

So far, we've 1) given our weed ridden driveway a facelift with peastone 2) disguised an ugly cinderblock retaining wall with multicoloured patio stones 3) covered a former flower bed, but more recent dirt strip with peastone (next year we'll add planters and annuals) 4) overhauled our jungle of a front bed by ripping out weeds and invasive ground cover (which we then replaced with peastone and black bark mulch), moving plants and adding a few new ones, and building a few rock walls (including one to help stop the spread of our pretty, but invasive ornamental grass) 5) replacing an overgrown, weed-filled flower bed with a holly shrub, a blue star juniper, a dwarf japanese juniper, a couple of brightly-coloured annuals (just for fun) and some bark mulch (I want a border, Adam doesn't). Oh, and I finished painting the windows.

Unfortunately it was raining when I took these pictures (I was going to wait until the weather cleared up, but who knows when that will be), so they aren't the best. Remember when it used to look like this?

We still need to thin out some of the upper beds and finish mulching the new bed around the side of the house, but we're super excited about our progress so far. It actually looks like a flower bed!

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